Cattery ARHANTIN is founded 1989 and it is located in Kuusankoski, South -Finland.We are FiFe-members.Read more about our cattery:
( In the pic : Arhantin Lalibelah and Latifah)
Cattery is FeLV and FIV-tested and have always been negative. I don´t accept gages.
CATS: I breed Siameses (SIA ) , Foreign Whites (SIAw67 ) and Orientals (OSH). I preferre classic and solid colors, but becauce the type is more important, I may have sometimes cats with figures too. Queens lives free inside the house as members of the family, and they have more privileges than I have. Charming Kings has own big furnished room and they get along with each others! "Main-Stud" shares kitchen and cooking with me. -Oriental smell from him belongs to the athmosphere in the kicthen :/
Babies born in my bedroom and learn to sleep with me . Later, when they drive me crasy with their very late nights and very early mornings and start for cardin-climbing,little kamikazes have to move with mommy and share the rest house with lady-relatives. So they start socialiceing and learn gap between different generation and how to live with it. KITTENS Reservation with deposit, no options. Kittens are ready to move to new homes about 12-16 weeks old. - are checked by vet 3 times and have the certificate with -twice vaccinated -wormed several times -with FiFe-pedigrees -for outside Finland travellers has microchip and passport and Rabies-vaccination SHIPPING too. :